The Mystery

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 17; the seventeenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

He saw the pink and blue kite fluttering in the light breeze, wound and trapped around the crisscrossing wires running over the city, tired and tattered in its bid to freedom. The oil portrait of Frida on the green wall. The inconspicuous black laptop, shut lid, on the table and the cell phone on top. The tell-tale signs. Of all that he was familiar with. In his mind. Over countless conversations.
The crowded apartment overflowing with hushed voices were all but a buzz in his ears. There was an unnamed fear in his heart, an irrational wayward thought. And a burning in his throat, in the pit of his stomach and a pricking sensation in the back of his eyes as if they wanted to tear in the understanding of what his mind was yet to process. A numbing pain with the realization. Her?
Every night back from work, he looked at his laptop by his bed-side and would log on, willing her to come. His Morning Star. Hopelessness gave way to despair even as his heart refused to give up. She never came. As he knew in the deepest corners of his mind. She never would.

He’d walk down the road and look at the blooming roses and he saw the blood. Hers and his bleeding heart’s.

He didn’t know, he never would and he could tell none, ask none.

They had met so many times without ever knowing who they really were to the other. Without ever knowing that they were staring into the faces of their solace, their freedom, laughing while never knowing that they were each others’ joy, running into each other during the day without realizing that it was the other they turned to every night. Social acquaintances who never knew that they were lovers?

He still held out, selfishly, agonizingly, desperately, hopeful for his Morning Star, the one he was yet to meet, the one who didn’t know his name but knew his heart, the only woman he’d loved, even as the anguish crept in. But he’d never know….

Had it been her? Had she known it had been her? Had she known the last time they’d talked? Had she known it was that arrogant man she had met and worked with during the day was the one who sought her out every night, was the one who loved her. Had she known him before she died?

He would never know….

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

N.B. Adapted from the movie Antaheen (one of my all-time favorites), giving words, to the feelings, to the end of the movie, to what had been silently accomplished. Written just to be able to BAT again after a long time! Hope you enjoy it! Love, G. 🙂

About Guria

An Artist in Science: A Misfit 'cause I choose to be one. "Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform" And a Maverick, because, I'm... umm... brilliant?
This entry was posted in BAT, Contests, Creations, Loss, Love, Novelette, People and Relationships. Bookmark the permalink.

19 Responses to The Mystery

  1. It went like a smooth tale until I read that last line.. Wonderful Mystery..

    –Someone is Special–


  2. adarshs says:

    some mysteries can never be solved, and they trouble us d most…it was short, it was sad n it was well written 🙂


  3. Harini says:

    The last line… great G as usual :).


  4. Vibhuti B says:

    Hey Guria,
    You are a legendary writer and every story is upto the mark.
    I havent seen the movie but your adaptation has raised my interest in it.
    This is one mystery that does tease the mind!!


  5. Guria,

    It is a top class post.
    Loved the way you wrote and now I feel like watching the movie and i hope I will watch it shortly 🙂
    All the best for BATON


  6. Guria says:

    @SIS: I hope you enjoyed it! 🙂

    @adarshs: Thank you! :))

    @Harini: Thanks darling! 🙂
    But only the last line?! 😀

    @Vibhuti: Welcome back! Thanks for the kind words, coming from you means a lot!
    Do see the movie if you can, it is Bengali tho' but it won the National award and I haven't met anyone who didn't like it… I loved it!

    @Muddassir: Thank you so much! Do watch the movie, it's a Bengali movie, but it is absolutely amazing! :))


  7. Makk says: your self.

    Did I ask you about your post on Tom Hank movies ??

    I want the link …any avail?


  8. Rumya says:

    Read the film story and it was interesting. Your adaptation too interested me. Quite an unusual love story, I suppose, but must be happening a lot in the virtual world nowadays, crossing all natural boundaries.
    All the Best for BAT 17, Guria.


  9. Raised the standard of writing and proved size does not matter but the content.All the best for BAT.


  10. Kshitij says:

    Yet again, I read your post and have similar thoughts.

    Your writing is beautiful..if ever you could call someone's writing like that.

    Your descriptions make me feel a lesser writer.

    And your posts want me to think and imagine…. always.


  11. says:

    It was a really good read. Loved the mystery and was hooked.


  12. D2 says:

    Beautifully written. Heart rending story. The detail and the flow was superb. Loved every bit of it.
    All the best for the BAT.


  13. Raksha Raman says:

    WOW! I can't say anything beyond that and even if I did, it'd look made-up for I'm at loss of words!


  14. wow…one word that says it all..!!!

    All the best for BAT dear..!!!

    Yamini Meduri – The Mystery

    Yamini Meduri


  15. Srikanth says:

    Poetic!! Gud luck


  16. Very touching and sweet rendering of love. The description is awesome and the language is poetic. Well done. All the best.


  17. Heart touching mystery…
    loved d Mark Twain s quote 🙂


  18. Alcina says:


    Your choices of words are brilliant..
    The ending with a question mark..will leave everyone including the writer thinking on and on for long..

    Happy to visit your blog 🙂


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