
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 14; the fourteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

The life around was changing its garb, donning on the fall colours in return for the summer palette. The wind was persistent in its own silent music as the tall trees swayed slightly as if dancing to the wind’s notes playing in their heads. The sun was a warm companion on my back as I walked on. And that sixth sense tingling somewhere, I could feel the air around me changing, with the slowly, imperceptibly but insistent losing warmth.

The new land was beautiful. Life, so easy. People warm. Everything so drastically different yet so much more beautiful in its distinction from what we had known all our lives. 

We were in a land of promises kept, we gloated amongst ourselves. A land of opportunity, realizing dreams, success and money. A new land. Breaking away from the old, the used, the rotten into a new birth in a single life… We rejoiced, we preened in our shared prides, sense of accomplishment. We cheered, we patted one another and we smiled around. We are here. Yes, we had made it.

And the golden, magnificent dusk slowly gave way to the wondrously dark evening dotted with the sprinkling of stars in the clear, black night sky.

The wind was still playing its never-ending orchestra when we bid each other goodbye to return to our new places. Home, they say. 

Congratulations with champagne. You could only see excitement and happiness still eloquent in our faces as we walked back, each in a different direction, shielded against the fast dropping temperature and the demanding, strong wind.

Years to be spend in the land of glory. Years away from our ugly, opportunistic, ungrateful land, miles away from the uncaring, cold people, seasons away from the hardships and tribulations and losses. Years from ever to hope of returning to all the left behind misery. As we all turned in to our beds that night, each thought that he was the only one who dripped unconscious, unstoppable tears into his pillow.

There was nothing, would never be, anything as beautiful, as enticing as my ugly land, my indifferent people. My real home.

P.S. There is nothing else I found that I could write about. I didn’t write this for BAT but the BAT topic did seem apt for it, in a way… and I do feel bad when I am not a part of BAT.

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

About Guria

An Artist in Science: A Misfit 'cause I choose to be one. "Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform" And a Maverick, because, I'm... umm... brilliant?
This entry was posted in BAT, Contests, India, The Other Side of the River. Bookmark the permalink.

21 Responses to Return

  1. Samadrita says:

    Fraught with emotions that each one of us have known at some point of our lives. The love for one's homeland…
    What a wonderful post. You made me realize how it must feel to be away from one's home.
    All the best for BAT!


  2. Maddie says:

    Can relate totally. Feeling homesick since quite some time now. 🙂


  3. Harini says:

    I havent been that far away from home ever. I am pretty attached to my home. Can understand what you must be feeling.


  4. namit says:

    home away from home..dats wat we need to justify things we deal wid.. 🙂 nice post..liked it alot n cud relate all of it to me…

    i blog at


  5. Bedlam says:

    I have always loved everything I have read written by you and this beautiful post too.. 🙂

    All the very best for the BAT.. and it is true about my post as well that it wasn't actually written for the BAT but it did go along with the topic.. 🙂


  6. Maverick says:

    tc alright! 🙂


  7. tikulicious says:

    This is so beautifully told. loved it. You know sometimes little pieces like this one take you back in time and then comes that first smile of the day. thank you
    Best for BATOM


  8. Dreamer says:

    Wow! The angst of being away from home, so beautifully portrayed! A most poetic piece of prose. There really is no place like home.


  9. Homesickness – everyone feels it at somepoint and your write makes me feel so right now


  10. The Fool says:

    Hm… Interesting post. Was expecting a nice sad story from you though. Nice post but I would kind of disagree about home land being ugly and foriegn lands being beautiful. All these beautiful foriegn lands usually have their own dark underbellies that you discover after you spend some time there. Till then they look all beautiful and cool. At least thats what I felt from my stay in foriegn lands of the east and the west.


  11. Guria says:

    @Sammy: Thanks Sammy. 🙂

    @Maddie: It passes, people say. I am not sure I believe them. :))

    @Harini: This is my first time too, away from home. And I am not sure what I feel, girl. 🙂

    @Namit: There're ways for each of us. I dunno what suits me right now. And I am glad you liked it. :))

    @Manna: Thank you Manna, it was a very sweet thing to say. I read your BAT post, it was wonderful!

    @Maverick: I will. Thanks a lottt. 🙂

    @Tikuli: That was one of the best things I have ever been told about my writing. Thank you. :))

    @Dreamer: Thank you and yeah, the realization crashes into you all the time. 🙂

    @Md. Muddassir Shah: One can wish, but I doubt if they ever stop feeling. :))

    @The Fool: Thanks. If you see my last line, your own country is always more beautiful. I intentionally didn't name any country as it can be anything and there's nothing as beautiful as home. This post was more of a philosophical take on home and the yearn for it. 😛 :))
    But why you keep expecting a nice, sad story from me?! 😀


  12. Kshitij says:

    Okay! Too much hua yeh toh.

    It started from being nice and descriptive… and remained like that till the end. I started to wait for some story in the mid… but it was not to be.

    Liked the use of words and expressions – I couldnt do that.


  13. Intriguing and introspective lines with much unsaid emotions …. liked it.

    It is quite a coincidence that my next post is on similar domain…

    It is like traveling in airbus with a train ticket


  14. Debosmita says:

    Good to see you back in BAT, girl 🙂 This post conveyed your emotions very vividly… From the first sentence, I knew what you were talking of and that sparked the interest 🙂

    I agree with you – it feels bad not to participate in BAT.. I had to give it a miss this time despite having ideas… wretched professional life 😦


  15. beautiful potrayal of homesick and the characters.. I loved it..

    –Someone Is Special–


  16. Kevin says:

    Really well written!
    Home is where the heart is 🙂


  17. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder-and what place can ever compare to the one where everyone knows our name !
    Loved your words,simple and true.


  18. Didn't I comment before? Damm, I somehow missed…

    Welcome back… saw you after a long time…:D

    good to see you return!!!


  19. Sweta says:

    how true… Native place is always special..
    best of luck for BAT


  20. Sidra Sayeed says:

    emotional yet realistic. It applies to a whole spectra of things and choices we make.


  21. Karthik says:

    I did expect you to write a post like this after going there. 😉

    Sometimes when I leave my hometown and go somewhere else for a few days, I miss my place, my room, my computer, my personal library.
    I can quite understand how it is to live in a foreign land.

    Some sweet, good memories should keep you warm. 😉


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